Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an interest in the Hifi world. I remember the day my parents first brought home a VCR. I was only 8 years old but I wanted to learn everything I could about how it worked. As I got older, I started investing in things like receivers, speakers, and speaker wire. My goal was always to get the best listening experience possible for the money I had to spend. One of the frustrations I had was trying to figure out which products would provide the best value or best experience for what I was looking for. What was difficult is there wasn’t one store where you could compare all the best products at once. So one store might have more mass market products like; JBL,
One of the frustrations I had was trying to figure out which products would provide the best value or best experience for what I was looking for. What was difficult is there wasn’t one store where you could compare all the best products at once. So one store might have more mass market products like; JBL, Pioneer and Sony while another store would have brands only sold to independent retailers such as; Rotel, Marantz or Paradigm. Of course, whichever store you went to, most of the time they would try to sell you on whatever products they had as being the best.
The other challenge I noticed is that rarely did someone go the extra mile to find out about your particular situation in order to recommend the best products possible. For example, if you were setting up a home theater system it would be helpful to know if you’re primarily going to watch movies or will you listen to music. If you’re going to listen to music it would be helpful to know what kind of music you prefer. Also, it would be worthwhile if they helped you understand things like listening fatigue and how that can factor into a particular type of speaker or headphone.
Through a lot of trial and error, I learned these things, but it would have saved me a lot of time and money if there had been someone to help guide me along the way. Now I LOVE Hifi products! I find it very satisfying to sit in a room and set-up a new home theater system. I enjoy finding the optimum placement for a subwoofer or tweaking the settings of a receiver to get the sound just right. I realize a lot of people don’t share this same passion for tinkering with hi-fi or audio related gear but do have an interest in getting the best listening experience possible for their particular situation.
This is why I created this site. I want to help you get the information you need in order to make an informed decision. I want to explain the pros and cons of the different choices so you can determine which product will work best for you.
One of my dreams was to open a headphone and speaker store that had all the best products so that people could compare and hear for themselves the difference in getting one product over another. While doing something like that would cost a lot of money, I can at least, build a website which would provide the same type of information (except you’re not able to hear or listen for yourself).
So hopefully you’ll find the reviews and other information helpful. If there’s anything you’d like to see more of please don’t hesitate to let me know!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and I hope that I can help you achieve the best listening experience possible